Leath: Build a campus community that is respectful and inclusive
In his annual address Wednesday evening, President Steven Leath said a safer, more welcoming campus will take a "team effort." He also introduced new tuition possibilities, private fundraising, economic development plans and strategies to help researchers compete successfully for grants.
Iowa State partners on initiative to advance higher ed recruiting
Two primary goals of the hiring consortium are enhancing faculty and staff diversity, and assisting dual-career couples through the hiring process.

Bus stop surveys are part of CyRide study
Rider surveys and bus stop counts are underway along CyRide routes this week. It's all part of a year-long survey to determine if the bus system's route structure is the most efficient and effective.
Sept. 25 network upgrade may slow connections
A Sunday morning installation of internet routers may slow ISU network connections Sept. 25, particularly around dawn. The new routers should add speed and reliability to the ISU network.
Senate opens with look at 2016-17 initiatives
Senators heard about upcoming work, issues and initiatives during the Faculty Senate's Sept. 13 meeting.
Roll up those sleeves: Flu shot clinic is Oct. 10-21
Help prevent the spread of the flu by getting a flu shot. Iowa State's annual flu shot clinic is Oct. 10-21.
Regents approve FY18 state funding requests
Iowa State will seek $20 million per year for five years (FY 2018-22) from the Legislature to replace the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.