Preview Iowa State's Smithsonian Folklife Festival exhibit June 12
The university community is invited to a June 12 sneak peek of ISU's exhibit for the 2012 Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C. An open house preview will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, June 12, in the lower level of the King Pavilion, College of Design.
Regents assign tuition set aside solution to a committee
The state Board of Regents asks a committee to propose a five-year plan to eliminate the policy of setting aside tuition income for student financial aid; approves project revisions at Curtiss Hall and Iowa State Center; and OKs naming the department of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology in recognition of gift support from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust.
Leath shares preliminary budget information
In his first budget memo to university leaders, President Steven Leath shared this year's parameters for salary increases for faculty and P&S staff, identified university priorities that will receive funding next year, and laid out a timeline for finishing up the FY13 budget.

Osborn Drive entrance
Osborn Drive entrance to close June 11
The east control gate on Osborn Drive is getting a facelift, which will close the campus entry point beginning June 11. The renovation work will eliminate the double-island entrance and create a single gated stop.
Doering named university registrar
Laura Doering, a longtime staff member in the registrar and admissions offices, will become Iowa State's next registrar July 1.

New plantings replace ash trees
Campus services crews are planting about 110 trees – nearly a dozen different species -- this summer to replace about 60 ash trees removed last fall and winter in preparation for the arrival of the emerald ash borer.
Input sought on future of Iowa State Center courtyard area
Facilities planning and management will hold a public meeting June 18 to give key stakeholders an opportunity to share their visions for the future of the Iowa State Center courtyard area.