Getting ready for winter
The ribbon windows on the exterior of the College of Design are being replaced this fall, floor by floor. New tinted, energy-efficient glass should improve comfort in faculty and staff offices.
Perks to working at ISU you might not know about
Most employees know Iowa State's benefits package includes substantial retirement plans, ample time off, and affordable and high-quality health, prescription and dental insurance. But faculty and staff also are eligible for numerous deals and programs that aren't as well-known.
Jump-start project helps students needing instruction outside of class
With the assistance of the provost's office and one of nine jump-start projects backed by President Wendy Wintersteen, students who need additional help with homework are receiving it. The Academic Success Center and each college are providing more academic support to increase student retention impacted by the pandemic.

Sharon Perry Fantini
Five questions with the vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion
Sharon Perry Fantini talks about initial accomplishments and upcoming projects.
Employee health care contribution increases reflect higher costs
The 2023 plan year marks a third year of incremental premium increases, following seven years of flat employee contributions. Iowa State continues to pay almost 90% of the health care costs of the plans.

University awards ceremony
Honoring years of diligent work
About 60 faculty and staff recipients of top university awards were honored last week at Iowa State's annual awards ceremony.