Norman shares division update with council

The Professional and Scientific (P&S) Council received an update from senior vice president for operations and finance Shawn Norman at its July 6 meeting.

Norman summarized his listening tour around campus as well as an assessment of the division conducted by consulting firm Grant Thronton International. The objectives that emerged from the organizational assessment -- improvements to financial controls and processes, optimization of technology, enhancements to the university's resource management model, and strategic change and communication within the division -- echoed themes and ideas Norman said he heard on the listening tour. He said it was important to meet with faculty and staff and hear what they had to say about their experiences with the division.

"I'm a very customer service-oriented person and my division has to be that way as well," said Norman, who started at Iowa State in January.

Other business

  • Professional development committee chair Jennifer Schroeder said the next event in the council's seminar series is Sept. 12 (2-3 p.m., location to be announced) with university ombuds Laura Smythe.
  • Awards committee chair Michelle Thompson reminded councilors to nominate their colleagues to be recognized in the council's Highlighting ISU Staff monthly initiative.

The next P&S Council meeting is Aug. 3 (2 p.m., 3580 Memorial Union).