First phase of parking lot improvements begins Feb. 28

ISC lots color coded by project start date

The C and D lots at the Iowa State Center will be upgraded this spring and summer, an early project to develop CYTown. Work on the A and B lots will occur in 2024. Graphic by Deb Berger.

Work on long-overdue improvements to the parking lots between Jack Trice Stadium and the Iowa State Center will begin Tuesday, Feb. 28, following the final home men's basketball game of the season.

Elder Construction, the firm selected for the first phase of CYTown, will start with the D lots on the east side along University Boulevard. Crews anticipate moving into lots C5 and C6 on the south end near Jack Trice Stadium (see map) on March 20. These lots will remain closed until mid-August.

Approximately 1,900 parking spots will remain available for student and employee commuters. Crews will wait until the end of spring semester to begin work on the remaining C lots (3 and 4).

The goal is to have the C and D lots finished by the start of fall semester and the 2023 football season. To meet this goal, construction crews expect to work seven days a week during daylight hours.

Chris Jorgensen, senior associate athletics director for operations, said the construction schedule is designed to limit impact on commuter parking and CyRide routes and provide ample parking for events.

The project includes installing utility infrastructure to support future CYTown development, new lighting and resurfacing the lots. Crews plan to grind the old asphalt on site and bring in fill dirt before resurfacing work begins. Work on the remaining Iowa State Center lots is expected to continue into 2024. Construction traffic will be routed off U.S. Hwy. 30, along University Boulevard to Jack Trice Way.

The athletics department will send additional information to donors who park in these lots during the football season.