The daily Cyclones Care symptom checker rolled out this week. All students, faculty and staff -- even those working remotely -- should complete the COVID-19 self-check every morning school is in session as a good health practice. Individuals who are symptom-free may go about their regular schedule of on-campus activities. Those who report symptoms that indicate a potential COVID-19 infection should stay home and will be directed to more information about treatment or testing.
A campus team continues to tweak the daily survey based on feedback from users. Updates since Monday include:
- Allowing users to change their preference for text or email delivery. Click the link "change how you receive the symptom checker," and you will receive an additional question to select your preferred distribution method (email or SMS/text).
- Providing an option for those who might have symptoms similar to COVID-19 but know their symptoms are from something else, such as seasonal allergies, based on self-assessment.
- Improving consistency on the timing of when users receive their survey each morning.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the daily symptom checker.
Faculty and staff who haven't received the daily survey should consider these troubleshooting possibilities:
- If you have not received a survey email or the initial notification preference email (Aug. 14), check the junk folder in your @iastate.edu email account.
- If you opted for SMS/text delivery and are not receiving your survey by text each morning, ensure your home phone number is correct in your contact information in the Workday system. It needs to be a mobile phone, not a landline. (Students and student employees can make this change in AccessPlus).
If these tips don't fix the problem, email solution@iastate.edu to open a ticket, and an IT team will investigate what might be preventing you from receiving the daily symptom checker.
Daily symptom checking is on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's list of actions that institutes of higher education can implement for healthy operations. In addition to requiring face coverings and encouraging physical distancing and frequent hand washing, a daily self-check is part of Iowa State's COVID-19 mitigation plan.