Town hall planned to address service delivery concerns

Staff and supervisors with questions and concerns about the proposed models for improved service delivery in finance and human resources are encouraged to attend an Oct. 25 town hall (9:30-11 a.m., Howe Hall auditorium). Interim senior vice president for finance Pam Cain and interim vice president for university human resources Kristi Darr will lead the discussion moderated by a representative of the Professional and Scientific Council.

The proposed models, introduced at the beginning of October, change reporting lines and job responsibilities for staff involved in finance and human resources. Hundreds of comments and questions have been submitted online and in person at more than 15 public and group presentations over the last couple of weeks.

The FAQ for improved service delivery continues to grow in response to submitted questions. For example:

  • If I currently have HR and finance duties, will they be separated?
  • How will units be defined?
  • Where will functional specialists be physically located?
  • Will merit staff be impacted by the new models?
  • What is the timeline for transition to the new models?

More details

Cain and Darr plan to talk in more detail about their visions for the proposed models and the need for improved service delivery, including its close relationship to Workday changes in HR and finance. The way ISU does its finance and human resources work will change when the Workday software system goes live July 1, 2019.

The Oct. 25 town hall meeting will be livestreamed. Recordings of the initial presentations and P&S Council open forum are available online. Questions and feedback can be submitted anonymously on the WorkCyte website (extended through Oct. 26) and by email to the P&S Council (through Oct. 25).

The Institutional Effectiveness Leadership Team that collaborated with campus leaders to develop the proposed models will submit its final recommendation to President Wendy Wintersteen in November. Employees will receive periodical email updates on the initiative (sent from "Improved Service Delivery Campus Outreach"), including one today with information about the Oct. 25 town hall.