All hands on deck
Many, many volunteers are working long hours this week to prepare 600-plus jack-o'-lanterns for Reiman Gardens' annual Spirits in the Gardens this weekend.
Town hall planned to address service delivery concerns
The VPs from human resources and the finance division will talk with staff and supervisors who have questions and concerns about the proposed service delivery models for their areas. The Oct. 25 town hall will be livestreamed.

Barbara Blakely
Five questions with the English 150/250 course director
Few Iowa State faculty have more impact on students than Barbara Blakely, who since 2007 has overseen the required "foundation" communications courses taken by thousands of undergraduates every year.
Two finalists named in Student Innovation Center director search
Faculty members James Oliver, mechanical engineering; and David Ringholz, industrial design, are finalists in the search for the inaugural director of the Student Innovation Center.
Five departments capture 30 percent of ISU graduate students
Three of the top five departments are in the College of Engineering, with the agronomy department and School of Education also in the group.