Crews placed a pedestrian bridge across College Creek on June 24. Photos by Christopher Gannon.

An essential piece of a $676,000 project was put in place on Friday, when a crane lowered a precast pedestrian bridge over College Creek. The bridge will provide access between the Lied Center and the recreational fields to the east of the Maple-Willow-Larch residence halls. Previously, the sidewalks along Beach Road and University Boulevard were the only available creek crossings.
Chris Strawhacker, project manager in facilities planning and management, said the bridge provides users a connection to amenities at the Lied Center, such as parking and restrooms. It also is sturdy enough to handle small equipment, such as mowers and compact utility vehicles.
"The bridge gives students a direct connection from the Lied building and parking lot to the recreation fields for intramurals and other activities," Strawhacker said.
The bridge is scheduled to open by the end of July.