Senate approves policy changes for job descriptions

The Faculty Senate approved changes to policies and guidelines for faculty position responsibility statements (PRS) Nov. 10 after months of discussion. PRS documents, described in the policy as "a tool that describes the range of responsibilities undertaken by a faculty member," are used in faculty reviews and evaluations.

The policy changes, developed from a February task force report, were introduced as a single motion in April. After continued senate discussion and consideration of submitted feedback from faculty, the motion was broken into four parts for Tuesday's senate meeting. The four motions included changes that:

It was the final motion that task force chair Veronica Dark said generated the most feedback from faculty.

"This is the one that addresses the major points of contention in the comments we received and the major points of contention among the senate's executive board," Dark said.

"We have removed some of what the faculty have referred to as inflexibility," she said. "We list examples of areas of responsibility, but faculty and their chairs are free to describe whatever areas of responsibility they believe is needed for an individual's PRS."

Senators voted down multiple motions to delay a vote until December and passed each of the four PRS policy motions nearly unanimously.

More business

Two academic items were introduced and will be voted on next month, including: