Guests from Kosovo
The Republic of Kosovo's minister of education, science and technology brought a small delegation to campus earlier this week to learn about several leading ISU undergraduate programs.
ISU leaders await FY18 state funding decisions
Gov. Terry Branstad's revised state budget recommendations for the fiscal year that begins July 1 removes another $4.5 million in state support for Iowa State. House and Senate leaders haven't shared specifics of their plans yet.
Task force report sparks policy changes for 'specialized' faculty
A task force has recommended changes to several policies, procedures and processes surrounding nontenure-eligible (NTE) faculty. Among them is a name change and two new NTE faculty tracks.
Emeritus status could expand to include all faculty
In a proposal introduced at the April 4 Faculty Senate meeting, policy changes may allow nontenure-eligible faculty to receive emeritus status. Senators also approved an online dietetics master's program, raised the communication proficiency grade requirement and endorsed open access to research and scholarship.
ThinkSpace facilitates better learning and teaching
Faculty who need help teaching complex problems to students or managing large classes may want to look at what ThinkSpace has to offer.

Halbur named interim dean of Veterinary Medicine
Professor and department chair Pat Halbur will begin serving as acting Vet Med dean on June 1, succeeding Lisa Nolan.
Vendors selected for learning management system demonstrations
Education technology companies Canvas and Desire2Learn (D2L) have been selected to give on-campus presentations for an LMS to succeed Blackboard Learn.