Civil Rights office to visit
Officials in the federal Office for Civil Rights will visit Iowa State to follow up on a complaint about ISU's handling of a sexual assault allegation.
When was the complaint filed?
The complaint was filed with the Office for Civil Rights on Sept. 29, 2014. Iowa State received notification of the complaint from the OCR on Oct. 20.
Who filed the complaint?
The OCR hasn't released that information.
What is the nature of the complaint?
Iowa State has been asked to show how its policies and handling of an alleged sexual assault were prompt and equitable.
Did police investigate the alleged assault?
Yes. Charges have been filed.
Has the university taken any action?
Yes. Student disciplinary charges have been filed against a student. To maintain the integrity of the process, additional details of the case are not expected to be released.
How many sexual assaults have been reported in recent years?
The OCR seeks information on cases from fall 2011 to the date of the complaint. In that time, there were 59 reports of possible sexual assault by students.
What happened in those 59 cases?
- 32 cases: The victims elected not to participate or file a complaint
- 5 cases: The victim could not identify the assailant
- 12 cases: The university pursued disciplinary action
- 10 cases: Disciplinary action wasn't pursued because the allegation didn't appear to be supported
What were the results of the 12 disciplinary actions?
- 9 students were found responsible (4 were expelled, 4 received suspensions and 1 received a deferred suspension)
- 1 student was found not responsible
- 2 cases are in process