May flowers
Summer school students took advantage of the week off between spring semester and the first summer session.
Survey results provide map for campus climate improvements
Wintersteen to council: Salary hike is still top budget goal
Meeting with the P&S Council for the first time in her tenure, President Wendy Wintersteen reiterated that a faculty and staff salary increase, however small, remains her highest priority for next year's budget.
Expense reporting is focus of next WorkCyte workshop
Employees who deal with expense reports and employee reimbursements can learn more about the Workday system being developed for Iowa State.
State operating support continues its decline
April's budget cut is permanent in the the state operating appropriations on July 1; new funds won't close the gap.
'This could be you': ISU faculty, staff of color help Ames students harness passions
Dozens of faculty and staff of color volunteered this school year for Passion Academy, a new program founded by an Iowa State associate professor to help black and Hispanic Ames Middle School students discover their passions and how to pursue them.
Who's serving lunch?
In a walk around campus, Inside staff point out some summer food options.