Shop until you drop, right here on campus
Whether you prefer to shop online or in person, tackle your holiday shopping list with the help of Inside's annual campus gift guide.

WinterFest is Friday
WinterFest packed with Friday fun
From ice skating to cookie decorating, wintertime fun is awaiting you at WinterFest 2013, Dec. 6.
Business, personal email not a good mix
There are many good reasons NOT to mingle your work email and personal email.

College of Design atrium
Honors project graces Design atrium this month
Landscape architecture senior Qiyi Li endeavored to create an installation for her senior Honors project this fall. The result is a stop-you-in-your-tracks project that fills a good piece of the atrium at the College of Design.
Tuition rates approved, conditionally
If Iowa Legislature funds regents' 4 percent increase in state operating support, resident undergraduates would pay 2012-13 tuition rates for the third year in a row.