Pamela Anthony
Pamela Anthony, assistant dean of students at Georgia State University, Atlanta, will begin as Iowa State’s dean of students on Aug. 1.
Anthony has served as assistant dean of students at Georgia State since August 2003. Previously, she was the director of student activities at Spelman College, also in Atlanta, and held two positions at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks: coordinator of multicultural affairs and area coordinator of residence life. She has extensive experience in student crisis intervention, judicial affairs, student activities and Greek life.
Anthony earned a B.S. in speech pathology from James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va.; a master's in student personnel in higher education from the University of Georgia; and a Ph.D. in educational policy studies from Georgia State.
Anthony succeeds Dione Somerville, who left Iowa State in June 2011 to become vice president for student affairs at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. James Dorsett, director of the office of international students and scholars, served as interim dean of students during the 2011-2012 academic year.