Photo by Bob Elbert.
Jan. 17 marked David Trainor's first day as Iowa State's new associate vice president for human resource services (HRS). He succeeds Carla Espinoza, who has taken phased retirement and now coordinates ISU's development of the Kuali People Management for the Enterprise project. Trainor reports to Warren Madden, vice president for business and finance.
Trainor is responsible for overseeing human resource organizational development and review, performance management, employee and labor relations, compensation, recruitment, benefits and the university child care centers.
Though new to his position, Trainor sees HRS' role at Iowa State as multifaceted.
"[HRS] is a steward of the university-employee relationship," he said. "We will maintain a focus on our employees, but the bottom line is: We are all here to serve students, to help them grow and succeed."
Trainor spent the past five years in the Connecticut State University system. He became associate vice chancellor for human resources and labor relations in 2006 and added duties as executive assistant to the chancellor in 2008. He also served six years (2000-06) as associate vice president for human resources at Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, and six years (1994-2000) for the Wachusett (Mass.) Regional School District.
Trainor earned his bachelor's degree (1990) from College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass., and his law degree (1996) from the New England School of Law, Boston.
Trainor's office is in 3750 Beardshear; his phone number is 4-6866.