Democracy at work, one precinct at a time
Four of Ames' 20 polling locations in Tuesday's election are on campus.
Specialists improve service delivery in LAS
A service delivery structure has evolved in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, moving human resources and finance duties to specialist roles while keeping administrative support local. The move may help LAS adapt to improved service delivery models proposed campuswide.
Better-connected and bearing more data, advising takes leap forward
A software platform recently expanded for use across campus makes it easier for advisers and other staff to have connect-the-dots conversations, meeting with more students for more reasons with more information at their fingertips.
Merit employees will keep their AFSCME representation
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees will remain the contract bargaining representative for the university's approximately 1,300 merit employees, according to preliminary results from a retention election held last month.
CyRide wants your input on service options
Iowa State faculty, staff and students are invited to fill out an online survey and/or attend a public forum Nov. 13 to learn about eight possible tweaks to existing routes.