
Town/Gown annual Musicale is Feb. 22

The Ames Town & Gown Chamber Music Association will hold its 36th annual Musicale on Saturday, Feb. 22 (7 p.m., St. John's by the Campus Episcopal Church, 2338 Lincoln Way). The evening includes culinary delights and performances by musicians from the university and Ames community. Tickets (order online) are $50 (students $15); tickets ordered after Feb. 12 will be held at the door.

Wedding open house is Feb. 23 at alumni center

The ISU Alumni Association will host its Wedding Open House on Sunday, Feb. 23 (11 a.m.-3 p.m.). See what a wedding looks like in the building, meet vendors and approved caterers, and enter a drawing for a discounted wedding package. RSVPs are encouraged but not required.

Funding help available for summer faculty success program

The provost's office again will partially sponsor faculty from all tracks who want to participate in the NCFDD's Faculty Success Program during summer 2025 (May 19-July 27). Provost office funds will cover $2,500 of the $4,495 early registration fee. Participants will be expected to cover the remaining program fee through other sources such as department or college matching funds, professional development funds, grant funds or other sources. Faculty sponsored by the provost's office also are expected to complete all components of the program. To apply for this funding, complete the short application form by Feb. 26. Iowa State has an institutional membership with the NCFDD.

Innovation lunch club meets virtually on Feb. 14

The February edition of the Innovation Impact Lunch Club will feature ISU Research Park associate director Alison Doyle. It will meet virtually on Friday, Feb. 14 (11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; RSVP to receive the link in an email). Learn more about how the research park connects people and drives innovation in central Iowa. The free series is hosted by ISU's office of economic development and industry relations especially for its faculty and staff partners, but open to all.

Reminder: Register for P&S employee conference

Registration closes Wednesday, Feb. 19, for the Professional and Scientific Council's annual professional development conference, "Charting the Future," on Feb. 27 (7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Gateway Hotel and Conference Center) for P&S employees. The day includes a keynote address, three breakout sessions and lunch. Registration is $150.

Memorial service is Feb. 15 for former faculty member Roger Berger

A Celebration of Life for professor emeritus of industrial engineering Roger Berger will be held on Saturday, Feb. 15 (10 a.m., Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center, social with light refreshments follows). Berger died Jan. 4 from injuries caused by an accidental fall. Rev. Kelli Clement of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames will lead the service, and members of the community will be invited to say a few words about Berger. A family burial will take place at the ISU Cemetery. Berger was a member of the industrial and manufacturing systems engineering faculty for 29 years (1972 to his retirement in 2001). Obituary.

Individual tickets on sale for August football game in Ireland

Individual tickets (with no travel package) for the Iowa State versus Kansas State College Football Classic in Dublin, Ireland (Aug. 23, Avia Stadium) went on sale via Ticketmaster on Feb. 5. Tickets will be sold through Feb. 28 or while supplies last.

Nominations due Feb. 28 for faculty mentor award

The office of the senior vice president and provost seeks nominations for the 2025 Exemplary Faculty Mentor Award, which recognizes faculty members who have exceeded the expectations of a mentor and acknowledges the critical role that faculty mentoring plays at Iowa State. More information about the award is online, including eligibility criteria and nomination process. Nominations are due Friday, Feb. 28. Award recipients will be recognized at a reception on Friday, April 25 (3:30-4:30 p.m., MU Campanile Room).

Reiman Gardens announces year-round hours

Reiman Gardens has announced new year-round hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, with the butterfly wing closing 30 minutes earlier each day. From April 1 through Sept. 30, the gardens will be open Tuesday and Thursday evenings until 8 p.m.

Nominate your supplier for procurement awards

Procurement services has opened nominations for its six 2025 Supplier Awards and asks for the university community's help to recognize outstanding suppliers that provided goods or services to Iowa State in 2024 and meet an award's eligibility criteria (follow the links below). Nominations are due Feb. 28 and should describe why the supplier should be recognized in the award category, including examples that demonstrate how the supplier meets the specific criteria. Don't assume that procurement services knows what the supplier does for you. The award categories are:

Chemistry Stores offers pipette calibration service Feb. 24-March 5

Chemistry Stores is hosting its annual pipette calibration service Feb. 24-March 5. Kiwi Calibration will be on campus to calibrate and repair pipettes. Prices for the service are: single channel $44, 8-channel $110, 12-channel $115; a valid Worktag is required at drop-off. Customers may drop off their pipettes to the Chemistry Stores office, 1359 Gilman, starting Wednesday, Feb. 19. The service is first come, first served.

Nominations due March 1 for 2025-26 leadership academy

The office of the senior vice president and provost seeks nominations by March 1 for the 2025-26 cohort of the Emerging Leaders Academy. ELA fosters the leadership development of faculty and professional and scientific staff currently serving in leadership roles or those who aspire to such positions. During the academic year (August-May), the cohort participates in monthly leadership activities led by content experts and facilitators. Cohort members also work in teams to complete a leadership development project. More information regarding eligibility and the nomination process is online. ELA participants are selected based on the quality of their nominator's one-page letter and the nominee's one-page essay. Next fall's cohort will be announced by April 15. Questions may be directed to Katharine Hensley in the provost's office.

Proposals due March 26 for spring youth programs symposium

Risk management is accepting proposals for presentations for its 2025 Youth Programs Symposium, to be held virtually on Tuesday, April 15 (8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.). Proposals are due March 26. The symposium is for youth program leaders and other interested faculty, staff and stakeholders who support youth programming at Iowa State. More information and the proposal submission form are online.

Registration due Feb. 21 for March research roundtable

Registration is due Feb. 21 for the office of the vice president's next Research and Innovation Roundtable on Wednesday, March 5 (9 a.m.-4 p.m., Memorial Union, lunch provided). The theme is "From Risk to Resilience: Combatting Endemic and Zoonotic Microbial Threats." Researchers working in applied sciences, humanities, engineering, design and the social sciences are invited to this unique opportunity to collaborate with campus colleagues as well as researchers from the USDA National Animal Disease Center and Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. The roundtable includes time to:

  • Learn more during facilitated breakout discussions
  • Pitch project ideas
  • Identify and self-assemble project teams
  • Receive instructions about requests for proposals and funding

Spring water research seminars announced

The Iowa Nutrient Research Center has posted topics and graduate student presenters for its spring water research seminars. The hybrid presentations take place the second Wednesday of each month, Feb. 12, March 12, April 9 and May 14 (3:10-4 p.m., 1306 Elings and via Zoom; register to receive the links); each session features two presentations. Sessions are open to the public.

Submit online help ticket for Workday questions

Faculty and staff seeking help with Workday for Student tasks can use the Workday Get Help form, available on the WorkCyte website. The form connects you with the campus specialists who support your specific issue. Currently, about a dozen common topic areas populate the form -- or you can fill in your own. You'll receive notifications about changes in your ticket status as team works to resolve your issue. Changes to the form, including topics supported by various teams, are added as Workday for Student users' post-implementation needs change. Remember, Workday for Student training resources, organized by role and by topic, are organized on single website.

New VPR site will provide updates on federal funding changes

The office of the vice president for research (VPR) will provide  guidance, updates and links to relevant resources to help Iowa State's research community navigate the evolving landscape for federal funding. The VPR team created a new federal funding page on the VPR website, which it will update and date-stamp as agencies share more direction and guidance with their research partners. Researchers are encouraged to check this page frequently in the weeks ahead. Changes potentially could impact both awarded projects and those awaiting funding from federal agencies or sponsors.

Judges needed for high school state science fair in March

ISU Extension and Outreach seeks judges for the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa, Thursday and Friday, March 27-28, at Hilton Coliseum. An anticipated 650 students in grades 6-12 will present an estimated 500 projects in 17 categories during the exhibition. Judges will evaluate the projects and provide constructive feedback to the students. Lunch and refreshments are provided. Individuals can sign up to judge in the junior high or senior high divisions. No special training is required, but an advanced degree or industry experience is preferred for judging senior high projects. Fair organizers will determine judges' assignments based on their category preference(s), level of education, field of study and professional experience. The first step is to sign up online.

Gymnastics tickets $3 for faculty, staff

Iowa State faculty and staff can purchase $3 tickets for the gymnastics team’s Big 12 Conference opener against Arizona State on Friday, Jan. 31 (6:30 p.m., Hilton Coliseum). All tickets are general admission.

Hort Club's Valentine bouquet sale is Feb. 13-14

The Horticulture Club's floral bouquet Valentine's Day sale returns Feb. 13-14 (9 a.m.-3 p.m. daily while supplies last, Union Drive Community Center lobby). Preorders can be made through Feb. 7. Select from roses, carnations and spider mums ($3-$4.50 per stem) and various fillers and greens ($5). Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted payment.

P&S research project managers will gather Feb. 11

The Research Project Management Council, supported by the office of the vice president for research, will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11 (2 p.m., 1116 Sweeney, light refreshments provided). Registration is requested. The council is open to all P&S staff who manage sponsored research projects or programs. Connect with fellow research project management professionals and learn more about how the council can support you. 

The council is a collaborative forum to recognize and enhance the role of research project management at the university. It brings together project management professionals to share best practices, address common challenges and foster a supportive network that advances the success of research initiatives. The group's direction is guided by the needs and priorities of its members, ensuring that the council remains responsive to emerging challenges and opportunities. Contact Nicole Scott or Stacy Renfro with questions.

Fall Honors seminar proposals due Feb. 21

The University Honors Program invites proposals for Honors seminars in Fall 2025. These one- or two-credit courses, offered for a half or full term on a pass/fail basis, allow Honors students to examine topics of current or special interest. Enrollment is usually limited to 17 students. Honors allocates $500 per seminar for the professional development (e.g. professional subscriptions, membership fees, travel) of the instructor(s). Proposals are due Friday, Feb. 21. Details and guidelines are on the Honors website; the proposal form also is online. Questions may be directed to Laurie Smith Law.

Nominate an individual or team for a sustainability excellence award

Nominations are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 12 for the 2025 Live Green! Excellence Awards in sustainability. Recognize an individual, team, organization, initiative, department or college that impacts campus sustainability through initiatives that focus on teaching, research, outreach or operations. A nomination must include a letter of support from project partners, collaborators or beneficiaries. Selection criteria (PDF) are online; download and complete the nomination form and email it to

Nominations due Feb. 15 for annual alumni awards

The ISU Alumni Association is seeking nominations by Feb. 15 for four awards to be presented during Homecoming 2025 that honor alumni. Award descriptions and nomination forms are online. Questions may be directed to Katie Lickteig. The awards are:

  • Alumni Medal, recognizes long, loyal service to the university through alumni-related activities
  • Alumni Humanitarian Award, recognizes humanitarian efforts that transcend professional accomplishments and bring honor to the university
  • Outstanding Young Alumni Award, recognizes alumni age 40 years and younger who excel in their profession and provide service to their community
  • James A. Hopson Alumni Service Award (2023 merger of the former Hopson and Alumni Service awards), recognizes alumni and friends whose volunteer activities and service support the work of the ISU Alumni Association in connecting alumni, students and friends to each other and the university

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