Position: Program coordinator, Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching
Years at ISU: 13
Contact: 294-7280, tjlawson@iastate.edu, 0639 Lagomarcino
Describe your work
The Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching (CTLT) is a research, outreach and support center located within the School of Education in the College of Human Sciences. My work encompasses each of these components and varies greatly depending on the projects we are engaged in, the individuals that we are working with, and what we discover as we go through the day. I support the development of grant proposals or contracts through submission, manage accounts and monitor budgets, support graduate students, meet with and respond to prospective students who are interested in the curriculum and instructional technology program, manage funded awards and advise CTLT faculty, staff and students on the implementation of university policies and procedures. I also help visitors learn something new by experimenting with or exploring a technology that they haven’t used before.
What one word would you use to describe yourself?
Dedicated. I am dedicated to improving myself and others as well as the projects, organizations and groups that I've chosen to be involved in and with. I am willing to take the time to find the solution.
What interests do you have outside of work?
I enjoy photography and pretty much all crafty and artistic things. I like to create something I've seen elsewhere that I thought I could improve upon or adapt. Having just completed my master's degree this summer, I also look forward to reading leisurely, without a deadline.
What strengths do you bring to the council presidency?
I am a continuous learner and I believe that to move forward you have to research, ask questions, find new ways to look at existing problems, recognize and support others' contributions and build win-win relationships and projects. I've been an Iowa State undergraduate student, part-time graduate student, alumna and full-time staff member. I've worked in admissions, new student programs, residence life, Ames Laboratory and an academic department. I have served on committees, P&S Council and as a member, chair and past-chair of the College of Human Sciences P&S Council.
What is your top priority?
To increase communication -- between P&S Council and P&S employees, between the P&S Council executive committee and council, between P&S Council and Faculty Senate, and between P&S Council and university administration.
What challenges face the council?
We need to continue to build a greater awareness of the contributions of P&S employees and help the university community better understand P&S Council -- what it is, what it does and how it's working to help improve the lives of ISU employees.
What would you like to tell the staff you represent?
I would like to encourage P&S employees, as members of the largest employee group on campus, to stay informed, seek out additional information and communicate with one another and their elected council representatives. The P&S Council will continue its work to build greater awareness of the roles P&S employees play in making Iowa State a great institution. P&S employees work in a vast array of positions, both on and off campus, and we need everyone's help to support one another and highlight the contributions of P&S employees at our university.