Making room for a west side building
Expanding Lot 1 near Martin and Friley residence halls this month replaces space in Lot 3, where the industrial and manufacturing systems engineering department's new building (northwest of Beyer Hall) begins construction in January.
Faculty, staff face read-only status in Google next month
The university community has a month to reduce its Google data storage from 275 terabytes to 100 TB -- or face read-only status in January. Here's what you can do to avoid that.
Cotos, Greenlee named associate deans in Graduate College
Associate professor of English Elena Cotos will focus on professional development for graduate students and postdocs, and Heather Greenlee, Lora and Russ Talbot Endowed Professor in Veterinary Medicine, will focus on student enrollment and program expansion.
Ally makes Canvas content more accessible
The digital accessibility tool, available in Canvas beginning Jan. 3, scans all uploaded content to determine accessibility and creates alternative file formats to make it available to the most people. It's a significant step toward compliance with the university's digital accessibility policy.
Game2Work strives to demystify STEM, show games' value
Researchers want to demonstrate the value of serious games in teaching and research to strengthen learning for the digital generation. Projects put STEM in a welcoming light to show students -- from middle schoolers to undergraduates -- the possibilities.
Caps raised for voluntary retirement plans
The IRS has increased some, but not all, limits on employee contributions to voluntary retirement plans for 2023. These changes are unrelated to the ISU mandatory retirement plan or contributions to IPERS.