Proposed tuition increases remain under 2 percent
Following three years of steady tuition for resident undergraduate students, Iowa State is requesting increases of less than 2 percent for all but its veterinary medicine students for the 2015-16 year. The state Board of Regents will review proposed rates when it meets Oct. 22-23 in Iowa City.

Julie Nuter
Five questions for the leader of university human resources
Julie Nuter became Iowa State's associate vice president for university human resources last December. She has already led an overhaul of the university's online hiring system. Read about what else she has planned.
Campus audience brings questions to TIER consultants
During a TIER campus forum Monday, audience members questioned the impact of proposed efficiencies on department budgets, staffing levels, quality of services and faculty ability to teach. A team from Deloitte Consulting presented eight proposed business cases and responded to questions.

Satellite voting
Early voting opportunities available on campus
A satellite polling location has been set up in the Memorial Union's Colonel Pride Lounge this week for Story County absentee voting and voter registration.
Open forums planned for Reiman Gardens director candidates
Five finalists for the Reiman Gardens director position will participate in public open forums as part of their campus interviews scheduled over the next few weeks.
2013 data shows NTE instruction increase
In his annual report to the Faculty Senate on non-tenure eligible faculty instruction, provost Jonathan Wickert showed a "slight uptick" in the 2013 numbers. The 2014 data, which includes a net gain of 26 tenured and tenure-track faculty, will be compiled at the end of October.