When employees log into Workday, a "Learning" app will be in the left menu list with familiar apps like pay, absence and benefits.
Workday Learning went live Jan. 23 and will replace Learn@ISU in September. Learn@ISU serves faculty, staff and hourly students, but Workday Learning is for faculty, staff and hourly student employees only. This past fall, training required for students enrolled in academic courses was moved to Canvas, ISU's learning management system.
Workday Learning's rollout is phased with 34 offerings available on the first day, including university compliance-related training like Title IX and free speech and university human resources (UHR) online options. Additionally, over 9,000 LinkedIn Learning courses will be available. More than 20 units across campus will review their learning content from Learn@ISU before moving content from one system to the other.
"We are giving units time to really go through their training and make needed updates in order to make sure what they put in Workday Learning is their most current content," UHR learning and development specialist Steve Couchman said.
New trainings added to Workday Learning will be announced through WorkCyte Digest and on the WorkCyte webpage throughout the year.
Using Workday Learning
Workday Learning lets supervisors assign training and review their employees' progress. It also provides better reporting options and easier access to professional development than Learn@ISU.
"Employees will have access to more than 9,000 courses in LinkedIn Learning that will show up on their learning transcript within Workday Learning," Couchman said.
If employees do not want their LinkedIn Learning courses to show on their learning transcripts, they may access LinkedIn Learning from their Okta tile.
LinkedIn Learning offers 24/7 professional development, skill-building, and training of all sorts. An easily accessible record of training and accomplishments for employees and supervisors is not available in Learn@ISU.
Numerous Workday Learning knowledge base articles are available through the Service Now Portal. Couchman said there are nine video-based tutorials that are one minute or less, and several one-page quick-reference guides to navigate the new system. Those with additional questions can email uhrlearn@iastate.edu.
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) staff began using Learn@ISU for their training in 2011 before collaborating with UHR to make it universitywide in 2015. This collaboration grew from only EHS and UHR to over 30 departments and units using Learn@ISU and allowed for more learning opportunities on campus for faculty and staff. EHS has the license for Learn@ISU but will not renew it after September.