Submitting news
Inside Iowa State is published weekly (Thursdays) for faculty and staff by Strategic Relations and Communications. We welcome submissions from members of the university community.
Story and photo ideas
Send suggestions for story ideas or news or feature photos to , or call 294-7065. If timing is important, contact us at least three weeks out so we can assign a staff writer to follow up.
Calendar entries
Send details about your event to . Please include date, start time, end time (if known), location, description or name of event, name and phone number for a contact person and, if available, the URL for a web site that provides more information about the event.
Send your announcement to . Announcements are posted to the announcements site throughout the week, but should be submitted by noon Wednesday to be included in the next day's Inside Iowa State. Our policy is to run an announcement once per semester.
Receptions and open houses
Send details about the reception or open house to . Please include a start time, end time, location, the honoree's current title and department, and details about a program if one is planned. These events will be added to the university's online calendar and promoted in Inside Iowa State.
Honors and awards
Send details about the honor or award to . Please include the name of the award/honor, the recipient's job title and department at Iowa State, the name of the organization bestowing the award/honor, accomplishments or qualities the award/honor recognizes and, if available, the URL for a web site that provides more information about the award/honor.
Anne Krapfl
Editor, Inside
Communications Specialist
Office: 515-294-7065
Jeff Budlong
Communications Specialist
Office: 515-294-5952
Dave Roepke
Communications Specialist
Office: 515-294-4845
Erin Rosacker
Communications Specialist
Office: 515-294-8870