Retirements and farewells

April 2021

Ron Leibold, April 30

Leibold is a storekeeper for the kinesiology department. Send congratulations to his Kudoboard.

Sandy Peterson, May 3

Peterson, manager of library services, is retiring after 35 years of service.

Martha Royer, May 3

Royer, conference coordinator leading the conference services office in the department of residence, is retiring after 38 years of service.

Julie Wilson, May 3

Wilson is a clerk in the scholarship office, office of student financial aid.

Phil Caffrey, May 5

Caffrey, director of operations and policy in the office of admissions, is retiring one month shy of 39 years at Iowa State. Send congratulations to his Kudoboard.

Ron Leibold, April 30

Leibold is a storekeeper for the kinesiology department.

Pat Foley, April 9

Foley is an operations supervisor in the power plant. He retires after 43 years of service.