Tuition decision anticipated next month

A final decision on fall tuition rates is set for the state Board of Regents' June 13 meeting. The regents held a first reading of proposed 2024-25 tuition and mandatory fee rates at their May 10 meeting in Urbandale. 

The proposed rates include a 3.0% increase ($270) for resident undergraduates and 4.5% tuition increase for nonresident undergraduates. All graduate students -- except for the executive MBA program in the Ivy College of Business -- would see an increase of 4.5%. Business proposes a 10% increase for the executive MBA program to cover increases in cost of materials, instruction and participant travel. It would be the first rate increase since the program began in 2019. Professional students -- those enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program -- would experience tuition increases of 3.5% (nonresidents) to 5% (resident students).

The Business college also is in the second of a three-year process to align tuition rates for sophomore business majors with those of juniors and seniors. The proposed increase is $1,340 for resident undergraduates and $2,476 for nonresidents.

Mandatory fee increase

As proposed, all Iowa State students would pay an additional $20 (1.3%) next year in mandatory fees, bringing total fees to at least $1,535 (students in specific programs pay a higher technology fee, according to the demands of that program). The proposed increase would be divided among these specific fees:

  • Technology, $10 increase, to $384, for higher software license fees
  • Recreation, $7 increase, to $358.60, recreation services to keep up with inflation
  • Building fee, $3 increase, to $102.10, the Memorial Union to keep up with inflation

With the proposed increases, resident undergraduates would pay $10,787 in tuition and mandatory fees to attend ISU in 2024-25 while nonresidents would pay $28,881. Resident graduate students would pay $12,967 and nonresidents $30,577. 

Student leaders from the regent universities will have an opportunity to speak about the proposed increases during the June meeting.

In other business, the board approved student housing (about 6.5%) and dining (5%) rate increases, effective this summer. The price for a standard combination -- double room without air conditioning and the unlimited meal plan -- rises $560, to $10,286. The new door rate for meals at the dining centers is $12.25 for breakfast and $15.75 for lunch and dinner.