Help WorkCyte project team gauge awareness among employees

The second in a series, the WorkCyte Phase II project team is surveying faculty and staff this month to assess their awareness generally of the software modernization project. The survey is available through Nov. 18 in Qualtrics, and requires about five minutes to complete.

The survey results will serve as a point-in-time barometer of what employees know, to better inform and shape training and communication in the near future, especially prior to the first components going live next June. Survey results will remain anonymous and confidential.

Complete the awareness assessment 

The WorkCyte Phase II project will implement Workday Student and Receivables software, retiring legacy systems such as AccessPlus and ADIN. The project team seeks input from all faculty and staff, including those who don't regularly use AccessPlus, ADIN or other legacy systems in their daily work. The more employees who complete the awareness assessment, the more helpful the feedback will be to the project team as it progresses toward implementation.

The first awareness assessment was done in January, and several more are planned as part of implementation of WorkCyte Phase II's multiple phases. Questions may be directed to