The next few months will see the emergence of the Start Something network, the portfolio of college-based academic offerings designed to bring out the innovator in every Iowa State student.

The Start Something network is a key element in demonstrating Iowa State's commitment to leadership in innovation and entrepreneurship education -- and strengthening the culture of Innovate at Iowa State.
"The Start Something network will be an important means of positioning the university as a go-to place in higher education for experiential learning, collaboration and instilling an entrepreneurial mindset focused on problem-solving," said President Wendy Wintersteen.
Start Something's academic opportunities include for-credit courses, capstone projects, internships and more. It will encompass existing programs within the colleges and new or emerging programs.
The combination of college-specific programs in the Start Something network and universitywide resources, such as the Student Innovation Center and Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, will support and encourage student creativity. Some opportunities will be disciplinary and others interdisciplinary.
"Bringing together these offerings, packaged under the umbrella of Start Something, will make it easier for students to readily recognize the interconnectedness of innovation and entrepreneurial programs across campus," said Jacy Johnson, associate vice president for strategic relations and communications. "Under the strength of a common name, every college pursues a specialized take on innovation and entrepreneurship, tailored to the needs and interests of its students."