Photo by Christopher Gannon.
Retired Navy Rear Adm. Kate Gregory stepped to the helm as ISU's first senior vice president for university services on July 11. The university services division was created as part of the reorganization of the business and finance office. In the post, Gregory will oversee seven campus service units: business services, environmental health and safety, facilities planning and management, public safety, Reiman Gardens, University Museums and WOI radio group.
Gregory retired from the Navy last year, serving most recently as chief of civil engineers and commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (2012-15). She currently sits on the board of directors for the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.
Gregory's office is located in 2750 Beardshear Hall. She can be reached by phone (294-1530) or email (gregoryk@iastate.edu).