Drive-up Wi-Fi available outside Jack Trice Stadium

Information technology services (ITS), in partnership with the athletics department, temporarily has enabled drive-up Wi-Fi service on the east side of Jack Trice Stadium. Effective March 31, those with an active ISU Net-ID can park in lot S7 (near gate 2) and use their ISU credentials to connect to the Eduroam network from their vehicle.

While the best connectivity likely will be in lot S7, lots 85E (northeast of stadium) and S3 (southeast of stadium) are alternate locations for accessing the network. Users will experience better Wi-Fi connectivity the closer they are to the stadium but are asked to use existing parking stalls when accessing the service. Once parked, simply connect your device to the Eduroam Wi-Fi network using your Net-ID and password.

"As campus has continued to transition to online courses and remote work, we have looked for opportunities to provide resources to improve the experience for students, faculty and staff," said Mike Lohrbach, director of enterprise services and customer success for ITS. 

The service is designed to provide reliable internet to those who do not have access to it. Those who use this service are reminded to practice social distancing and either stay in their cars or maintain at least 6 feet between Wi-Fi users.

Stadium Wi-Fi lots

Lots S7, S3 and 85E, adjacent to the east side of Jack Trice Stadium, are the best locations from which to access Wi-Fi service.