Central campus trees
Students cross between a canopy of maple leaves and Iowa sculptor Tom Stancliffe's Ghost Trees in the Anderson Sculpture Garden between Beardshear and Morrill halls.
Work-life balance, student success are the priorities during winter session
Iowa State's fourth winter session runs Monday, Dec. 18, through Friday, Jan. 12, 2024, fully occupying the four-week break between fall and spring semesters. Here are staffing guidelines for that window.
Course redesign benefits instructors and students
During the Course Design Institute, faculty work with CELT instructional designers on improvements in the areas of course content, learner interaction, instructional technology and accessibility. The next institute begins in December.
Open access elevates Iowa State research
From data services and digital publishing to free access to academic publications, the library provides a suite of services to promote ISU research and scholarship around the globe.
Communications center develops tools to help graduate students become better research writers
Graduate faculty are invited to train their students to use two empirically validated open educational resources that boost students' knowledge of discipline-specific research writing conventions. The tools will be demonstrated during a Nov. 15 luncheon.
Council resolution supports separate appropriation for salary increases
The Professional and Scientific Council's resolution essentially reinforces the language in the state Board of Regents' annual appropriations requests to the state on behalf of the universities: If there's a separate salary bill for state employees, regent university employees would like to be included.