This is big
Foundation work is next on the 140,000-square-foot Student Innovation Center along Bissell Road.

Jessica Bell
Five questions for P&S Council president Jessica Bell
Bell's priorities include ensuring continued representation of P&S employees and open lines of communication between councilors and their constituents.

Tim Day
Five questions for Faculty Senate president Tim Day
Day's priorities include clarifying the roles of non-tenure eligible faculty and finding a sustainable financial model for the university.

Hort station peppers
Peppers on purpose forges new ground
The Horticulture Research Station devoted a small plot of land this summer to growing produce for ISU Dining -- 3,000 pounds of bell peppers, to be precise. It's the first time the research farm has planted crops with ISU Dining in mind, an initiative that may expand.
Canvas training options begin in September
Options include workshops led by a Canvas trainer and CELT staff, as well as open help labs.
Orange materials flag changes to hazardous waste labeling and storage
Lab managers and researchers are now responsible for determining whether waste materials are hazardous, and every waste storage container requires an orange label.
Project update on the stadium south green space
Work on the $11.5 million project will continue through the football season, with completion planned for next summer.