Colorful world
Did you notice all the daffodils on campus this month? Campus services crews planted some 8,500 bulbs last fall.
Jolly selected as the next Human Sciences dean
The University of Georgia faculty member is scheduled to begin her leadership post on July 5.
Task force will develop policies to support nontenure-eligible faculty
Members will work this summer and fall, with the goal of submitting recommendations by Dec. 15.
Class designs playable carillon model
An interdisciplinary project kicked off this spring with a concept design developed by a senior capstone class. The multiyear project will create a functional, portable one-fifth scale model of ISU's iconic campanile and carillon.
Regents approve faculty P&T, receive salary comments
Salary parameters will be on the regents' June meeting agenda.
Warren Madden reception set for June 24
University and Ames communities will recognize the senior vice president for his 50 years of service.
Pammel Drive to be resurfaced, striped as two-lane road this summer
Painted medians and center turn lanes should create a safer environment for pedestrians and give Pammel a campus feel rather than a commuter feel.

Classroom technology
High-tech learning
A new high-tech classroom in Lagomarcino Hall is helping ISU's education majors become better teachers.
Open forums planned for finalists for student affairs position
Finalists for a new assessment and research position in the division of student affairs will interview on campus in the coming weeks. The campus community is invited to open forums.