Committee named for Human Sciences dean search
Two October forums are scheduled to solicit input on the search from the university community.
Search begins for next student affairs leader
Applications are due Nov. 2; campus interviews would occur early in the spring semester.
New DIY fundraising option
There's a new crowdfunding option for Iowa State teams seeking to raise $1,000 to $10,000. FundISU is managed by the ISU Foundation, but teams run their own fundraising campaigns.

Google Maps trekker
The view from the sidewalk, captured one step at a time
Over two days, a team from Google Maps shot video to update its campus images.
Council receives an update on performance pay use
At their Oct. 7 meeting, members of the Professional and Scientific Council learned how the extra-meritorious performance pay program was used in FY15. Councilors also will consider their response to draft policies covering three issues -- e-cigarettes, drones and video cameras.