First scholars program distributes graduation gowns, caps

Two female students pose in black graduation gown and holding mo

December graduates select their gowns and mortarboards in the new First Scholars Office. Photo courtesy of Dean of Students Office.

The First Scholars Office, a program within the dean of students office housed in the Center for Student Educational Success, collected and distributed academic caps and gowns to more than 50 students graduating this month. Students who needed a cap and gown were able to select from various sizes available in the new center space on the third floor of the east part of the Memorial Union.

How to donate caps, gowns

Use the donation bins at the north, south and west entrances of Hilton Coliseum at graduation ceremonies. Or, grab a postage-paid envelope near a bin to mail in regalia.

"We recognize the significance of commencement -- and the dedication our students need to reach this important milestone," said Taea Bonner, assistant director of student outreach and engagement in the First Scholars Office. "Our mission is to make sure nothing gets in the way of students celebrating this achievement with their loved ones and their peers."

First Scholars programming is supported by a FY2024 project grant, renewed for FY25, under the 2022-31 Strategic Plan. First Scholars focuses on first-generation and low-income student success, with the big-picture goal of improving retention and graduation rates.

Donations collecting is ongoing

Red circle badge 2022-31 Strategic Plan

Staff already are gathering used caps and gowns for upcoming commencement ceremonies. Items will be cleaned and donated to future graduates who face financial barriers that prevent them from purchasing their own regalia.

Students who would like to donate their used caps and gowns will find donation bins at the north, south and west entrances of Hilton Coliseum at the conclusion of their graduation ceremony. They can place their items in a bin or grab a postage-paid envelope near the bin to mail in their regalia at a later date. Questions about cap and gown donations can be sent to