Homecoming weekend will include Jack Trice centennial launch
The homecoming parade has been replaced with a student showcase this Sunday near the Alumni Center. A reimagined ExCYtement in the Streets is larger and a day earlier in the Greek neighborhood south of campus. And a yearlong centennial commemoration of animal husbandry student and athlete Jack Trice begins a few hours before Friday's homecoming pep rally.
Open enrollment starts Nov. 1, alongside a benefits survey
As employees review, adjust and select benefits during this year's open enrollment, they'll also have an opportunity to share their opinion about those benefits in a campuswide survey.
Campus leaders share guidelines for winter break, concurrent with winter session
The primary messages are: Maintain staffing levels that can support a successful winter session, and it's permissible to reduce services and allow employees to use accrued vacation time.
MobileConnect gives hearing devices a personal touch
MobileConnect is assistive listening technology that streams live audio through a Wi-Fi connection to any smartphone in the room. All students are able to use it in three easy steps and without seeking an accommodation. IT Services is testing it in three locations this academic year.