First-year class exceeds last fall's by 300+ students
Iowa State's fall enrollment of 29,969 students includes 5,728 new first-year students, 1,383 new transfer students and 1,195 new graduate and professional students.

Sophia Magill will guide strategic plan's annual process
In a new role as senior advisor to the president, she will lead strategic initiatives as well as federal relations.
Meet Jon Perkins, Faculty Senate president
Five questions with accounting associate professor Jon Perkins.
Safety officers, ambassadors fill vital role for ISU police department
The ISU police department added public safety officers and campus safety ambassadors to help its officers by responding to some nonenforcement calls for service. They provide more security to campus and the programs help lead some into a career in law enforcement.
ISU's state lobbyist gives council overview of her work
Carolann Jensen outlined the legislative budget-setting process at the Professional and Scientific Council's Sept. 1 meeting. The council also got an update on hiring for Iowa State Online, the central unit for online instruction support that will launch Jan. 1.
State funding requests are on regents' September agenda
Iowa State will seek two increases in state operating support next year: a $12 million increase to its general university appropriation and $376,519 in additional biosciences innovation funding.