Inspired spaces
Seven study rooms on Parks Library's main floor got a colorful new look this fall, a collaborative project by university marketing, the library and several library donors, nearly all of whom were Iowa State students.
Juniors and seniors again show up big for winter session
Nearly 1,900 undergraduates are enrolled in one of the 54 online courses being offered, and approximately 80% of them are upperclassmen. Classes begin Dec. 20.
P&S Council gets update on compensation changes
Increases to the minimum pay in a handful of entry-level pay grades provided about 200 employees with a raise this month, lifting rates to at least $15 per hour. Updated benchmarking also will bring adjustments to P&S pay ranges next year.
Campus vaccine clinic set for Dec. 15
The clinic is open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and will offer COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccines. Appointments must be scheduled online by noon on Dec. 14.
A path for sharing inclusion good ideas, successes
ISCORE champions offer a path for colleges to share innovative projects, achievements and best practices -- and integrate their efforts, where appropriate. Here's a look at the 2021 champions.
Finance dashboard saves time, assures accuracy
A new dashboard in Workday for cost center managers and grant coordinators stores in one place the reports, tasks and links they use most frequently.
Extension expands impact with language translation efforts
ISU Extension and Outreach constantly looks for ways to serve all Iowans. A practical one focuses on translating programs and publications into languages other than English. All four educational areas have offerings and continue to develop more.