ISU Dining partnership with research station sprouts new crop
Adding onions to peppers turned out to be a recipe for expanding the partnership between ISU Dining and the university's Horticulture Research Station north of Ames.
Dean finalists will visit campus in September
There are three finalists for the dual position of endowed dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and director of the Iowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station. The first finalist visits campus next week.

Peter Martin
Meet Peter Martin, Faculty Senate president
Student evaluations of faculty, diversity and inclusion efforts, and the implementation of new term faculty policies are priorities for Martin's presidency.

Stacy Renfro
Meet Stacy Renfro, P&S Council president
More effective supervisor training and additional engagement opportunities for professional and scientific employees are priorities for Renfro's presidency.
Getting ready for game day
The athletics department, in consultation with the public safety department, revised a few tailgating guidelines for the 2018 football season and is implementing its clear bag policy this weekend. And here's a gentle reminder about tailgating courtesy.