Atrium art in Bessey
A sculpture with a colorful nod to the biosciences was installed this week in the new Bessey Hall atrium.
Get a feel for Okta as an early adopter
The identity and access platform uses one secure login for multiple web-based programs and applications, such as Outlook 365.
Spring enrollment is third highest on record
There are 33,345 students enrolled at Iowa State this spring, 763 fewer than the record-setting spring semester 2017.
Vet Med dean finalists will visit campus next month
Each candidate's name and vita will be shared publicly the day before the visit.

Thomas Brumm
What drives campus commuters who bike, even in winter
Coming to campus on two wheels no matter the calendar isn't common. But regular winter biking is possible for robust spirits with plentiful motivation.
Eyes on March
Early occupants of the new Advanced Teaching and Research Building are scheduled for movein later this semester.
Green Dot exhibit encourages action
The reACT Gallery in Morrill Hall is hosting an exhibition about the Green Dot violence prevention program through Feb. 16. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to visit the free show and participate in other related activities.